
An Opportunity To

Do Good

Galatians 6:10

Support Mark & Na'Cole...


We are Mark and Na'Cole Vanderwarf.

Thank you for stopping by our page to consider our situation.

As we’ve journeyed through the realization of Na’Cole’s disability, learning to manage her invisible and chronic illnesses, and reaching her physical limitations, we have come to a point where we find ourselves falling short and spreading ourselves thin. So, we are reaching out and asking for helping hands to come alongside us.

Mark is juggling work full time and all the household items, as well as caring for most, sometimes all, of Na’Cole’s daily needs. It would be an absolute blessing to Mark to have help with some household items from time to time and for someone to sit and aid Na’Cole when Mark is working, has a networking event, a meeting away from home, or serves at church on Sundays. Also long-term poor health circumstances can lead to isolation, so a visit with Na’Cole, as well as one with both Mark and Na’Cole from time to time, would also be a blessing!

We would greatly appreciate your helping hands. Please make yourself at home here and explore the site to learn more about how you can support your friends.

Thank you for your time and considerations!



Mark & Na'Cole


Life Updates

worn out "well, hello there"

It’s been a while! (… and a doozie)

September 29, 20243 min read

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

- Thessalonians 5:16-18

Hi Friends!

It’s been a while and, after a long wait through the springtime to meet new doctors, a lot has started happening this past summer. And, it’s been an overall positive trend, even with a few hiccups and hurdles. 

First, my new pain doctor has continued with the occipital nerve blocks with a different solution and a more gentle procedure. This has resulted in a faster, week long recovery verses a 4-6 week long recovery! He also added trigger point injections throughout my neck and upper back in July which, paired with his nerve blocks, has caused a noticeable change and improvement in my pain management. 

Secondly, my primary care physician sent me to a myofascial release doctor, who has been life-changing in working on my connective tissue and nervous system! My movements have improved over the summer to the point that the rocks-feeling I had in my joints - especially in my hips - has lessened to a gravel/sand-like-feeling!! Translation: I’m moving more smoothly and even walking faster. This doctor also gently aligns subluxations back into place, as well as aids with my spasms. And he encourages my continued chiropractic work, as well. 

And finally, the biggest improvement - if you can believe it or not - has been by the help of my new POTS specialist/cardiologist. With changes, tweaks, and additions to my home POTS protocol, I have more, regular blood pressure back!!! I still have bouts with heat intolerance which will make my blood pressure and oxygen levels drop. However, being able to move around more, be awake more, and have more of my mind with comprehension back has been the biggest relief, physically and emotionally. 

The effects of really low blood pressure, with the great fatigue and surprise of additional pains related to it, was so unexpected. It seemed to amplify the physical pain that had not yet been relieved, which was really excruciating and discouraging. Y’all, I could barely lift my cell phone to text or read something without crying out in pain from the weight of it and/or the frustration from not understanding and being overwhelmed by the simplest communication. I had difficulty keeping my eyes open; even rolling over. A normal, ideal blood pressure range is 110/60 to 120/80. Mine varied between 69/41 to 102/56. And I had been dealing with it since August 2022.

Between the occipital nerve pain and low blood pressure on top of the already painful management of Ehlers Danlos, with all that comes with that, it was as though all I could manage was a quiet survival mode where I felt as if I was bearing a massive barbell of weight and waiting until, looking forward to, the release of it all. I could hardly think through much around me or even follow storylines, visually or audibly. Though, I made the best attempt I could to interact when needed to do so.

Thankfully, I wasn’t alone! First and foremost, I leaned on and rested my mind in my Lord, on the finished work of Jesus Christ and the promises imputed by that awesome, historical event. The Lord has blessed me with an amazing, dutiful, vigilant husband who is such a wonderful caretaker to me. He also brought alongside Mark and me a great crowd of encouragers, “A Friend of Jesus”, and helping hands. (And oh! What burdens y’all have been used to lift!) 

I praise God for His gifts and promises, these improvements which are enhancing my quality of life, and I praise Him for y’all - your prayers, aids, and helping hands!

Thank you for using the site and for your grace with my lack of communication. Gratefully, I’ve started coming out of some of the fog from this bout and can start posting more often and reconnecting with loved ones! 

God bless each and every one of you! And may God have all the glory in my circumstances and in yours.

Thank you for your time! Love, Na’Cole.

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Types of needs we have

Service Opportunities

How You Can Help

Visit with Na'Cole

Encouraging one another - Wednesday & Friday afternoons

Home Help for Mark & Na'Cole

Helping Hands - Friday or Saturday
1.5hrs Men & Women welcomed

Meals for the Vanderwarf Family

Meal Delivery - occasional provisions & eats (Mark's Surgery on 12/20 & 6-12 week early recovery stage)

Transportation for Na'Cole

Appointments - pickup or drop off on Thursdays

Visit with Mark and Na'Cole

Friendly faces and edify - one Saturday a month

Sitter for Na'Cole

Help and assist - AM & PM time slots

Remote Visit with Na'Cole

Sweet Reunions - digital smiles & catch up once a month

there is Opportunity Almost Daily to help

Welcome To OUr Home

Our Journey

We've been married since January 2011 and knew there was something not quite right with Na'Cole's health in 2012. Unfortunately, in 2013, we realized that we had to start advocating for her health to figure out the root cause of her increasingly concerning flareups and source of constant pain when she had to start scaling back in work, serving her church in many capacities, and from social activities. It's been a long, nonlinear road to answers, with hopes of recovery, all to uncover her genetic disorder, which led to additional subsequent chronic illnesses.

In 2017, we finally found out that Na'Cole was born with a rare genetic disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, affecting her body systemically. Her condition is progressively degenerative and has caused additional and related disorders.

In October 2022, Na’Cole was diagnosed with a related autonomic nervous system dysfunction called POTS and began treatments for the major flareup. After further testing, in January 2023 her doctors confirmed that she is also dealing with a reactive Mast Cell situation and began treatment for MCAS.

There are no cures.

Since Christmas 2022, Na’Cole has been learning to manage these new chronic disorders, applying what to do at home and best physiotherapy practices. She graduated from Cardiac Rehab for POTS in March 2023 and continues to strive to maintain her progress, working out on physical therapy equipment while being surrounded by healthcare professionals. However, she struggles with exercise intolerance and continues to deal with fainting and pre-fainting symptoms in addition to her daily struggles with EDS, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia. Though some symptoms currently can be more predictable, all of this greatly limits Na’Cole, continuing to leave her homebound and often bedridden.

Therefore, any and all the extra help, prayers, and visits would be amazing.

Thank you for reading our journey, thus far.

God bless!


If We Come To Mind...

Prayers are always appreciated. We may also post requests and praises from time to time, and ask that you join in.

“… praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,” ‭‭

Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭18

Further Ways to Support

Gift Ideas


Messages and cards are a welcomed treat. Na'Cole would love to hear from you!


Gift Cards or Venmo can be used to provide a meal or for simply giving.


Wishlists are helpful for knowing exactly how to support one another.


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Thanks For Following Along

Thank you for visiting our page and considering to lend a helping hand.

We really appreciate it. We also truly covet your prayers.

Both are an immeasurable blessing to us.

You can keep up with us through Na's social links below.

We look forward to seeing you at church and when we're able to gather in person throughout the week to live life alongside one another,

Lord willing.

In all we do and in every circumstance, may God have the glory!

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